Greetings to all of us,

In this volume, we are delighted to bring forth a diverse array of articles that encompass an expansive spectrum of psychological inquiry. As always, our goal remains to foster an environment where scholarly exploration thrives, generating insights that contribute to both local and global understandings of human behavior and experience.

This volume comprises five articles, each offering valuable contributions to the realm of psychology. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the diligent researchers whose dedication has enriched this edition with thought-provoking findings and discussions.

The first article discusses the role of proactive personality and resilience in work engagement of the firefighters and rescue personnel in Yogyakarta. The results indicated that proactive personality and resilience played a significant role in work engagement.   Following that, the second article navigates the influence of empathy and emotion regulation on adolescent cyberbullying behavior. The results showed that there was an effect of empathy and emotion regulation together on cyberbullying behavior. In particular, empathy has a negative impact on cyberbullying behavior, whereas emotional regulation has no effect on it. The third article takes us to understand the relationship between self-acceptance and subjective well-being in people with disabilities who have a career. It revealed that whether self-acceptance is increasing or decreasing, there is no relationship with the subjective well-being of people with disabilities who have a career.

The fourth article addresses the effectiveness of mindfulness therapy against smoking cessation in various groups such as men, adolescents, and women using meta-analysis method. The results showed that mindfulness therapy had a small effect on smoking cessation. Lastly, the fifth and final article investigates preschool teacher’s beliefs about emotional competence and emotional socialization by using Teacher’s Emotion Beliefs Scale and open questionnaires. It showed that the way teachers socialize emotions is based on their belief regarding children’s emotional competence.

As we present this seventh volume, we extend our sincere gratitude to the authors, reviewers, editorial board members, and the entire academic community for their unwavering support. We would like to give our highest appreciation to all partner who have taken the time for helping us. It is through their willingness and volunteerism to  that review the manuscript, JIP Unand continues to published and evolve as a platform for an intellectual growth.

To all readers, we also hope the articles that we published can provide useful new insights and inspiration. May the knowledge shared within these pages stimulate dialogue, inspire new avenues of research, and contribute to the ongoing advancement of psychological science. In addition, we also invite all readers to publish their best manuscripts in our journal. We hope that our small endeavor can provide benefits and contribute to the development of psychology in Indonesia. Happy reading!




Published: 2024-02-01