In this new issue, we published 5 chosen empirical research articles. The first article discusses the correlation of perceived behavioral control and intention with waste sorting behavior among employees of oil and gas construction service. The second article examines the effect of social support on self-esteem of primiparous women (a mother who have their first child) by using regression analysis.

The third article explores what extent knowledge about disabilities predicts teachers' attitudes in handling SNS (Special Needs Children) in classroom using mixed method explanatory sequenial with linear regression analysis. The fourth article determines the contribution of the orphanage climate and self-concept to motivation in orphanage youth Muhammadiyah Purworejo to continue their studies to college by using regression analysis. The fifth and last article is a descriptive study of the level of self-perceived employability in Generation Z in Indonesia by involving 1157 college students in their third and fourth years.

We would like to thank and give our highest appreciation to all reviewers who have taken their time to review the manuscripts in our journal. Because of their willingness to review the manuscripts, Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku can continue to publish new articles on a regular basis. With the increasing number of manuscripts submitted to Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku, we hope that reviewers would still be a part of the reviewing process to produce high quality articles in the future.

To all readers, we hope that the articles that we publish can provide useful new insights and knowledge. In addition, we also invite all readers to publish their best manuscripts in our journal. We hope that our small endeavor can provide benefits and contribute to the development of psychology in Indonesia. Happy reading!

Published: 2022-12-30